Never waxed? All your questions answered

If you’ve never waxed before, the whole idea might seem a little daunting. Will it hurt? What should I do to prepare before my appointment? How long should I let the hair grow? And um …. will it hurt?

We get asked a lot of great questions in the salon, so I thought I’d answer some of our most frequently asked waxing questions to help you feel more confident to book your first (or next) waxing appointment.

How does waxing work?
We think you probably know the answer to this one, but it’s important to understand the process. Waxing removes hair from the roots. Wax is applied to the skin and removed in a swift, smooth motion. The hairs stick to the wax and are pulled out from the follicle.

When should you start waxing
This is a really personal decision. At Breathe Skin Body Mind we will do leg and underarm waxing on girls from the age of 13 with their parent’s permission. However, I’d really encourage young women to understand we are born with hair to protect our body. It’s perfectly normal to have body hair and you are not compelled to remove it at all if you don’t want to.

If you want to remove body hair because it’s your choice, you should be empowered to do so. But it shouldn’t be done because of social influence. If you want to remove the hair that’s great – but if it’s not bothering you, you shouldn’t feel pressured to do so.

What are the benefits of waxing?
There are plenty of hair removal techniques to choose from and they all have their pros and cons. Aside from waxing, shaving is the most popular. It’s easy and painless (unless you nick yourself – ouch!) but the results are short-lived. It can also cause shaving rash and some people experience itching when the hair grows back.

The main benefit of waxing is longer-lasting, silky smooth results. Depending on the speed of your hair growth, you may only need to wax once every 3-4 weeks. This can help speed up your morning routine and over time can reduce hair growth. Hair often grows back softer and finer, not rough and stubbly like shaving.

Will it hurt?
Ah, the million-dollar question! The truth is, waxing can cause discomfort, especially when you first start. The good news is, the more you wax, the less it hurts.

While many people tolerate waxing extremely well and find it quite painless, others do find it uncomfortable. It can also depend on the area being waxed, as some spots are obviously more sensitive than others.

It’s also helpful to note that some women will be more sensitive at different times during their menstrual cycle. Many women avoid waxing just before and during their period as they find it more painful.

As therapists, it’s our job to do everything we can to make the experience as comfortable for you as possible. This means using a high-quality wax, choosing the right type of wax for the area and using correct technique. Waxing doesn’t (usually) tickle, but we certainly aren’t here to inflict pain on you. I’d love a dollar for every time a client has said “that didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would!”

How to prep for your waxing appointment
There are a few things you can do to make your waxing appointment run smoothly (pun totally intended.) The wax needs to grip the hair to pull it out properly, so you’ll need to let the hair grow to about 6-8mm, or about the length of a grain of rice. Don’t shave for 1-2 weeks before your appointment.

If you’re having a bikini or Brazilian wax, you should trim long hair to make the experience more comfortable. If you’ve never waxed before, you might prefer to start with a bikini wax and gradually work your way up to a Brazilian.

You should shower and exfoliate the morning of your appointment, using a body scrub or exfoliating mitt. This removes dead skin cells and helps prevent ingrown hairs.

Waxing aftercare
Some redness and inflammation after waxing is common. After your wax we apply a professional quality oil. It melts away any wax residue left on your skin, cools and soothes the area and lowers the chance of infection.

It’s really important in between your waxing appointments that you gently exfoliate often and use a good quality moisturiser to prevent ingrown hairs and pimples.

Over to you
So, what do you think, are you ready to book your waxing sessions? If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch. You can call the salon on 0400 592 483 or book online